Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yet another Scam website set up by Nandi Sevenster

Hi all,

so no big surprize since Nandi sent me a death threat the week before last, and didn't still didn't send me any money.

So Nandi still owes me $4042 net nz that she still refuses to repay me, instead going on about her conspiracy theories and such, like i've told you all out there, and Nandi as well, This site and many more like it are going to get A LOT more interesting, now that Nandi still refuses to repay me.

She has now missed two months of repayments (2x $500), these are all based on HER repayment schedule she came up with.
SO she has PROVEN her self to be the LIAR, CHEATER, SCUM AND SCAMMER that she really is.
She can continue to deny the facts, but the facts still remain, she still owes me thousands of dollars for almost THREE years now that she STILL hasn't repaid me, Instead continuing to delay and accuse me of being part of her hallucinated conspiracy theories involving religious cults and such.

All the while she still insists she's a good person, Hillarious, she is far from it:
Other than the gum tree computer parts scam there has also been a
-lamp whole sale import scam
-a gum tree/get out of a cult scam (screen shot uploaded previously)
-Of course her scam with me
-Her scamming L & G of several months of rent/board in Auckland
-Her leaving her debt to her immigration consultant of over $2000 in NZ
-And of course scamming and stalking "Amy" and Candice

and that's just been the out right scams and financial debts she's racked up, not all the crazieness that i've got 'on the record' from people who have contacted me, with thier interactions with her.

In the mean time, here's the latest screen shots of Nandi's latest scam.
It's hillarious, if you actually want a free bible she'll send you one apparently, although don't hold your breath, as we all know, her word 'as a child of the living god' (her words not mine) are less than worthless.

Of course what ever 'help' she can give others will be of no benefit, instead it will involve scamming them finanically, and then most likely stalking and then accusing them of being possesed by deamons/evil spirits that will result in Nandi threatening thier very lives, in an effort to 'exorcise' the daemons. Again i don't make this up, this exact situation has already happened several times over, you only need to comb over the previous posts or do your own research into Nandi's background and you'll find that the facts are all there.

And here's a High resolution picture of Nandi's actual pass port

to provide everyone with a bit of info so when you request your information from the Police or immigration departments, you can quote the right date of birth/name ect of Nandi.

And Until Nandi Repays me the WHOLE oustanding debt, I will contiue to make more information more widely available to forewarn everyone about Wilma Nandi Sevenster, so that as an employer or in any personal interactions, everyone is fully informed before they hire or interact with her.

Here's an updated picture of Nandi as well:

And check back soon for more updates,
