Hi all, so a quick update from several weeks ago:
There's not much to say realy i've emailed nandi on her three email acounts several times, but there's been no response.
Nor have i recieved the promised repayment of $500 by 20 Aug 2011.
Least to say there's nothing in the bank acount either ... I can't say I'm entirely surprized, but it's still dissapointing.
Bearing in mind in Nandi's own words, that she would repay me $500 per month with the total debt being settled by Jan 2012.
I have made certain steps though to finally reporting this as an 'offical' scam, Here's an exceprt from the Ministry of Consumer Afairs (a New Zealand Goverement Department"
'by reporting this scam to us, you add to our collection of scam data and the information we hold about scams'
'contact the police to see if fraud charges could be laid against this person'
I have given Wilma Nandi Sevenster, ample -even more than enough time to repay me without involving the 'offical' agencies but, Since Nandi still keeps on LYING and refusing to repay me, i'll have to take it up a notch.
It's off to the police i go next, I'm sure they won't be too surpized based on the information that they already have on her, from her file with the stalking and such from Candice several years ago.
After that Nandi - just give me the money and I'll walk away, that's it, i just want my money back, and i want it now, no actually i wanted it more than 2 years ago.
BUT if you continue on dragging this out, well i'll have to step it up another level. The letter of course to candice and it's translation, and the wealth of buisnesses/recruitment agencies/industry guilds and associations/ all of which would surely want to know if you as a potential applicant ~ are suitable. Of course i would give them the full set of information, and as always leave it to them to make up thier own minds.
So here's the email conversation since the last update, again i pubish these unedited except my identifying details, for you to evaluate exactly what has been said.
-----Original Message-----
From: XX
Sent: Thursday, 1 September 2011 8:57 a.m.
To: 'nandi sevenster nandisevenster@gmail.com'
Cc: 'Nandi sevenster nandisevenster143@gmail.com'; 'Nandi Sevenster nandisevenster@yahoo.com'
Subject: Nandi where is the money? $4042 net nz, what is your 'word' worth; when you keep on going back on it and Lying?
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Personal
Where is my money, and why have you not sent anything yet?
You keep on claiming you will pay me back, you realize it's over 2 years 8 months now, that I've been waiting for this?
I seriously don't believe you when you say you don't have the funds to pay me back, either due to your work circumstances or what ever excuse you come up with. You could find the money from somewhere or someone, if you really wanted to, isn't that why you got a loan to move to Durbin in the 1st place?
I'm trying to work with you here, you claim you want a quick end to this, and that you don't have the total amount of the debt right now, but will send me partial payments of $500 net nz per month, with the total debt being settled by Jan 2012.
All I'm doing is giving you every opportunity to live up to your word.
The one you seem to proclaim to be worth something, even now.
I still can't believe how you have and still are acting in this situation.
When even your own family, wouldn't help you (financially or emotionally) in the crisis you were in several years ago, and I was the only one who took practical steps to help you (practically a stranger at the time)...
from all the personal information we shared, through all your trials and tribulations - I was there supporting you (I thought we had developed a genuine friendship), from meeting each other's families, I did EVERYTHING you wanted and more ... yet it turned out the way it did, because YOU broke that chain of trust by lying, and without trust there was ... nothing.
Despite all this you STILL haven't made good on your numerous promises and statements that you are still trust worthy, and that you would repay me the money and how apologetic you are.
Just end this convoluted situation... by repaying me the outstanding funds, it's the only way this will end.
-----Original Message-----
From: XX
Sent: Monday, 29 August 2011 10:44 a.m.
To: 'nandi sevenster'
Cc: 'Nandi sevenster'; 'Nandi Sevenster'
Subject: $4042 net nz debt owing yet to recieve payment
Sensitivity: Personal
I have given you ample time, even extra time to get the next repayment ($500 net nz) to me, as you said you would on 06 August 2011.
I have checked the National Bank account today and have yet to receive your repayment.
Have you sent it on your end?
I am trying to work with you here to get an amicable swift end to this situation, hence why I have been so patient up to this point, and you have readily acknowledged this as well. After all it's been 2 years 8 months I've been waiting for this money, yet you have only given me a small fraction of what's owed.
If you haven't sent the funds yet, when is your next repayment?
You ask me to repeatedly trust you, and that you've 'sworn' in the name of the Lord that you'll do what's right and just: to give me back my money.
You even said to my Mother, face to face several years ago: that you could be trusted and that you'll repay me the money; was this a lie too?
Yet I'm still waiting here, you hold yourself to those 'high ideals': where is YOUR morality compass pointing?
I'm giving you yet another chance to validate and prove you are who you aspire to be.
The only way this situation will finally end is with the full repayment of all the outstanding funds $4042 net nz.
-----Original Message-----
From: XX
Sent: Wednesday, 17 August 2011 8:36 a.m.
To: nandi sevenster
Cc: 'Nandi sevenster'; 'Nandi Sevenster'
Subject: RE: National Bank Account details: $4042 net nz debt owing yet to recieve payment
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Personal
Your last payment was received on 20 July 2011 of $473 net nz into the kiwi bank account,
According to your prescribed repayment schedule YOU said you were undertaking, the next $500 net nz will be in my National Bank account by the 20th of August.
It is expected that the bank transfer fee on this side will be $15.00 but I can't guarantee that as if they change fee structure it's not my doing.
I have re-opened the National Bank account at your request, so send me the money already.
When are you going to send your next repayment?
If I were to receive it by the 20th of August, that means you pretty much have to have already sent it at your end as they say it could take 5 to 7 working days to come through.
You've already said so many things along the lines of:
-To trust you
-You as the child of the living God don't lie
-You will repay me
-You will set things right
As I have said all along, what I need and others can evaluate your statements above, is action and proof.
Just send me my money already.