Hi all,
So we are back to the no reponses and continuing delaying tactics from Nandi Sevenster. So for you all new to the blog, start from the begining, it will give you a full appreciation of the mess that this stuation is.
So Nandi's last payment was recieved on 20 July ($473 net nz) and she claimed she would be sending monthly payments of $500 net nz, with the total debt being settled by Jan 2012 (refer to previous emails).
Now she is concerned about bank fees incured to do the transfers, all of which she knew well enough, about sevral years ago.
But to accomidate her, i have re opened a closed bank account at 'National Bank' so that the transfers will cost $15 vs $27 (at kiwi bank).
After sending her the new bank account details, she has not repsonded with any logial time frames or figures, nor when she is going to send me the next $500 she previously claimed she would.
Again, I put this all out there for you to evaluate and make your own fully infomrmed decsions about Nandi.
Like i've said before i have litterally hundreds of emails in my archives i have yet to release, with the 'proof' of her requesting me to spend money on her behalf, as well as the background issues involved.
so here's the latest emails so far, since the last post:
Note: she claims on the 06 Aug 11, she will be sending me $500 net nz, as soon as she get's my updated bank detaisl, but it is now the 16th Aug 11, and i have yet to recieve ANYTHING.
the next few posts might get a touch more 'personal' after all those email archives are a treasure trove of information about Nandi.
As for you Nandi: Just give me the outstaning funds $4042 net nz, and this doesn't need to go any furthur.
-----Original Message-----
From: XX
Sent: Friday, 12 August 2011 10:33 a.m.
To: 'nandi sevenster'
Cc: 'Nandi sevenster'; 'Nandi Sevenster'
Subject: National Bank Account details: $4042 net nz debt owing
The national bank email details were sent to you on 09 Aug 11. Which is also included in forwarded emails that you have just responded to: However I will also include them in this email:
> I have re-opened a National Bank Account:
> Using the Account Details:
> XX
> Swift #: XX
> Bank: National Bank
Your continued insistence that you are sorry, while you do little to repay me, even going BACK on your word, and out right LYING is just disappointing.
You said you'd send me $500 per month, with the total debt being settled by Jan 2012. and your previous email dated: 06 August also said
"i will transfer you 500 dollars"
--Where's the money you said you'd be sending?--
You have the updated National bank account details, so send the money already. In your own words, by Jan 2012 this debt will be settled in total, with regular repayments of $500 per month until then.
I have already stated the terms and conditions of the loan long ago and repeated them several times over.
I have only spelled out some of the further actions I could undertake to highlight your past behaviour/actions and continuing actions/inactions to the public at large. Only by paying me the total outstanding debt ($4042 net nz), and settling this matter once in for all, will this be over.
--To prove I still have that letter you sent to Candice: here is the 1st two lines:
"Liewe Candice
Ek tik die brief in Afrikaans aangesien dit tog ons moedertaal is."
--And the last three lines
Like I said it is a very personal email, which I will post if I need to along with the translation, and the accompanying 'background' to the story. And let everyone else decide.
--Just give me the money you said you would already and still do owe me. --
-----Original Message-----
From: nandi sevenster [mailto:nandisevenster@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, 11 August 2011 5:04 p.m.
To: XX
Subject: Re: You STILL owe$4042 net nz-When is your next repayment?National Bank Account
Resend it. Certain things need to happen before i will settle the
amount. Me and you both know what that is.
On 8/11/11 XX wrote:
> Nandi:
> When are you next sending that partial repayment of $500 net nz?
> I have already forwarded you the re-opened national bank details,
> "I am truelly sorry that i didnt settle this amount long time ago"
> Your words, yet again.
> So yet again, im left waiting... after more than 2 and a half years,
> after numerous missed promises, and pleas for continued patience, it is
> wearing rather thin.
> Your last payment was received last month, when is your next repayment?
> From your earlier communications, you claimed that it would be $500 net
> nz per month. With the total being settled by Jan 2012.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: XX
> Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2011 9:52 a.m.
> To: 'nandi sevenster'
> Cc: 'Nandi sevenster'; 'Nandi Sevenster'
> Subject: RE: You STILL owe me $4042 net nz-When is your next
> repayment?National Bank Account
> I have re-opended a National Bank Account:
> Using the Account Details:
> XX
> Swift #:XX
> Bank: National Bank
> When are you sending that repayment of $500 net nz
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nandi sevenster [mailto:nandisevenster@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2011 2:08 a.m.
> To: XX
> Subject: Re: you STILL owe me $4042 net nz-When is your next
> repayment?/bank fees/accounts
> Please forward me then a national bank account number.
> On 8/7/11 XX wrote:
>> There are no banks that accept payments from overseas, with no fees on
>> this side.
>> It all depends on what intermediary banks handle the transfers as they
>> charge fees as well.
>> The route your bank takes to get to Nantional bank, seems to incur a
> fee
>> of $15.00 nz, the route your bank takes to get to Kiwi Bank seems to
> be
>> $27.00,
>> Other banks may charge more or less fees, but I know of no banks that
>> charge no fees.
>> You knew of this however long ago, and as agreed upon, fees such as
>> these are not included in the principle repayment figure, which to
> date
>> leaves $4042 net nz.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nandi sevenster [mailto:nandisevenster@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Saturday, 6 August 2011 9:33 p.m.
>> To: XX
>> Subject: Re: You STILL owe me $4042 net nz-When is your next
> repayment?
>> Dear "kingsenton", please advise all details of a bank account where there
>> will not be bank costs involved. After establishing that I will inform
>> you when i will transfer you 500 dollars. I appreciate your patience
>> and like I said I am truelly sorry that i didnt settle this amount
>> long time ago. Thank you for understanding. Sincere regards. Nandi
>> Sevenster