So i have recieved perhaps a couple dozen emails since the last blog update from Nandi.
Most of them as you all well know is along the lines of the hallucinations and delusions by Nandi.
I will put up the crazy emails later on another post.
But of yet no money, she's now missed two months of repayments.
Yes repayments based on HER repayment schedule.
That's now $1000 over due.
$1500 due by 20 October 2011
$500 due by 20 November 2011
$500 due by 20 Decenber 2011
$1542 due by 20 January 2012
That's what and when the repayments are due foaks. If Nandi does not make her repayment of $1500 this month... that will be THREE months of missed repayments.
Taking into consideration that it's now been almost THREE YEARS since the debt was owed.
Since the fake human traficking website, Nandi Has now resorted to setting up another Scam/Fake site advertizement on Gum Tree. See below for the screen shot.
I have had the opportunity to get some feedback from former colleuges of her's and it's just hillarious to think that someone as technically incompetent as her in a professional work capacity would even begin to think that they can 'teach' anyone anything. Let alone Her unstable mental situation, any training she actually gives them will be totally useless.
That is if she actually tries to 'train' you in anything, more than likely she will just take the money and run like she did with the previous scam sites she's run. such as the computer parts scam also run through gum tree in Nov 2010.
Oh yes, and other than the dozens of crazy emails from Nandi Sevenster of Late, also look forward to more information being released from the email archives and of course the other bits of information i have yet to release.