Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Updated Photo of Nandi Sevenster - Who STILL owes me $4042 from December 2008

Hi All,

So here's a more uptodate photo of Nandi Sevenster

Again to re itterate, Wilma Nandi Sevenster, also known as Nandi Sevenster, still owes Me $4042 net nz dollars, since December 2008.

I have posted numerous emails from her atesting to that fact, and since then i have only recieved 3 direct repayments from her.

The exact details and timelines of which can be found in previous posts.

Untill i recieve ALL the outstanding funds, i will continue to expose Nandi as the 'person' she REALLY is.

Again, you don't have to believe me, rather i encourage you all to do your own homework with 3rd parties, ie her previous work places and the NZ police department.
